Hello again,
of all, I hope you to stay safe and in good health.
This time I want to explain my experiences
trying to build some British and American Artillery units, valid for the
American Revolution period, 1/72 scale.
IMEX Artillery sets
In this scale we can find only two references regarding to this subject. Both are from IMEX, Set 554 American Artillery and Set 555 British Artillery.
Regarding to the figures,

-Sculpting is very good, the have some variety, uniform is correct, perhaps would have been better more figures without waistcoat, in campaign dressing…(you can read both Reviews in http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=1037 and http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=1038 )
Regarding to the guns,
As you can read in the In the PSR review, both guns are very small (yes too big figures, and too small guns¡). The guns provided in the American Artillery box, may be 2 or 3 pounder guns, but the guns provides in the British Artillery box,are even smaller,and short as a little mortar, I thing is useless for a normal artillery unit.
If we can provide our
units with something similar to the standard 3, 6- pounder gun we have to use
Other guns
-For the medium artillery units I have used the guns fromRevell Set 02577 British Foot Artillery, (http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.aspx?id=527 ) according to the PSR they are 9 pounder guns,
Esci Set 233 British Artillery,
-For the light artillery units I have used the guns provided in the American Artillery box
This link about the artillery in the AWI, is very interesting
British Medium Artillery;
American medium Artillery
And yes…Conversions…
But apart from the standard figures, we can
try another ways for building our units…
British medium artillery, campaign uniform;

British ligh artillery;
We can use the IMEX American guns, with the
Accurate infantry figures; yes with a minimal transformation...
American light artillery;
I have used three figures of
the Airfix Washington infantry, replacing thir legs as I did with the American
Infantry, and the German Jaggers…
American light militia artillery;

I think the look of the figures may resemble
the civil clothes of the very first militia units, specially from the south…
I hope to inspire you new possible
Thank you very much for watching¡¡¡