Monday, October 21, 2019

1/72 Awi 42nd (Royal Highlanders) regiment on foot, (The Black watch).

After doing some English Regiments of fusilier s, I´m trying to add more variety on the English side; I Have done two units of hessians (fusiliers and Granadiers), an as well as a Loyalist unit. Now I have done a highland Regiment, so lovely with their skirts.

According to “An illustrated Encyclopedia of uniforms 1775-83”, after the Jacobite rebellion, the42nd Foot Scottish regiment were raised , first for policing the Highlands, and later was send to America, Due to his exceptionally service in the French and Indian war, it became a Royal Regiment.

Uniforms and available miniatures

There are a lot of illustrations about their uniform in the American Revolution:

-1.First Period: Full highland Dress:

-1.a. With kilts; as in the “an illustrated Encyclopedia of uniforms 1775-83”

For this uniform, I have three basics references for the highlanders..all of them of other periods¡


-Esci  Set 215 British(now Italeri Set 6058 British and Scots Infantry)
I have them. I think very good figures, slim Esci type.

-Italeri Set 6004 Highlander Infantry

I have them .Good too, their face seem a little like cartons.-

-Italeri Set 6136 Scots Infantry:
I Haven´t them but they seem vey good figures, with very good proportions;

-1.bUse of kilts and plaid; In the Presidio book “Military uniforms in America” and Blandfort colour series.

Jacobite Rebilion;

-RedBox Set 72050 Highland Infantry:

I have them. Very apropiate for the very first period, apart of using of Kilt, they wear many thing that the other references lacks; plaid cartage box in the belly, sporran…Good figures and poses, more bulky than Accurate and esci-Italeri figures.

2.Second periods;
They used normal gaiters…but who want to represent them in this appearance if you can chose with Kilts¡¡


Finally I Have used the Italeri Set 6004 Highlander Infantry, because of the bulky appearance of RedBox Set 72050 Highland Infantry, but I think the Redbox set is more appropriate.

Transformations; As you can see, I have cut the shoulder pads, the hats, added the cartrige boxes, the sporrans, new hats…and have hidden the modern cartridge boxes modeling bags of this period above them.
The backpacks; In the Italery reference they looks very “modern”; In all illustrations they have a more rustic appearance. I have tried to transform the in this type of the AWI period.

The backpacks; In the Italery reference they looks very “modern”; In all illustrations they have a more rustic appearance. I have tried to transform the in this type of the AWI period.

Well I have to said that the true it´s that I have tried to transform them at my convenience (according to the figures I have) looking for illustrations that justify me¡¡ …as always I think all of we do¡¡

Thank you very much for watching¡¡

you can get more information of this unit in this excellent page;

Thursday, October 3, 2019

1/72 Hessians Granadier Regiment

Hello again¡ 

For my next hessian unit I have chosen the grenadier regiment Von Rall. I wanted to make a grenadier Regiment; with their golden hats they would give a colorful touch to the English side.

And why this one? This was the only grenadier regiment not formed by joining the grenadier companies of other units, but a specific grenadier battalion. Because of this it was the only carrying flags, and this is the main reason for choosing it; a unit without flags is not the same…

Other particularities of the Regiment was that their coats hadn´t got lapels. As you can see in the illustration they wore bue coat with red lining, their small clothes in buff. As in the illustration, sometimes the breeches are made out of mattrres ticking; I think is very difficult to paint this small color lines in the breeches, so I have paint then in buff, perhaps I will try next time…
(I have used a image form the book “An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Uniforms from 1775-83-The American revolution war” from Lorenz books;

During the campaign this unit , as other Hessians units, was not accustomed to this new conflict and tried to use the rigid formations used in Europe. In Trenton the ysurrended practically without fighting (it´s said that their musket couldn´t fire because the low temperatures,- but I think in Germany the weather is sometimes the same¡-; but the main reason seems to be that they don´t use the possibilities of the defense in a city, using rigid formation in an open space and not using small groups covered inside the buildings

Hola otra vez¡

Para mi prĂłxima unidad de “Hessianas” he escogido el Regimiento “Von Rall”. QuerĂ­a hacer un Regimiento de granaderos; con sus sombreros dorados darĂ­an un toque de color al lado inglĂ©s.

Y por quĂ© este? Este fue el Ăşnico Regimiento de Granaderos no formado por la uniĂłn de compañías de granaderos de otras , snio que eran un regimiento de granaderos especĂ­fico. Por esto era el Ăşnico Regimiento que tenĂ­a banderas, y esta es la razĂłn principal para escogerle, una unidad sin banderas no es lo mismo…

Otra particularidades del regimiento era que sus abrigos n tenían solapas, como podéis ver en la ilustración vestían u abrigo azul con ribetes en rojo, su resto de ropas eran en color beige. Como viene en la ilustración, a veces los granaderos tenían pantalones a rayas de color, pero creo que no soy capaz de pintarlos así, así que los he dejado en beige. Quizás la próxima vez

Durante la campaña esta unidad, como otras de “hessians”, no estaba acostumbradas al nuevo conflicto y trataron de usar las mismas rĂ­gidas formaciones usadas en Europa. En Trenton se rindieron prácticamente sin luchar ( se ha dicho que sus mosquetes no podĂ­an disparar debido a las bajas temperaturas, pero en Alemania debieron tener el mismo problema¡ parece que la principal razĂłn fue que no usaron las posibilidades de defensa en una ciudad, usando formaciones rĂ­gidas en un espacio abierto y no dividiĂ©ndose en pequeños grupos a cubierto en los edificios.

How can we do them?

Some time ago I though how to do Hessians Granadiers in this 1/72 scale.

One option it´s to use the Hat Seven Years War Range, but as I explained in other post, apart from the differences in the uniforms used, for me the height and the anatomy are incompatible with the British Accurate-Revell-Imex figures.

Como los podemos hacer ?
Hat? Hace tiempo pensé en cómo hacer los granaderos. Una opción es usar la serie de figures de Hat de la Guerra de los siete años, pero aparte de las diferencias en el uniforme, la anatomía las hace incompatibles con los ingleses de Accurate-Revell-Imex.

…And it´s possible to use the Italery Russian Granadiers from the Napoleonic period?

Their head with are very well sculpted, with lovely moustaches, and the same for the hats, compatible with the hat used by the Hessians…but is it possible to use their bodies too?

 I saw many differences in uniform… but their poses are very good and I began to stay a little bored using only the Accurate-Revell-Imex ones…

The coats are fasten in their upper front; but really their arms hide this part in almost every pose. Painting this side as if they were a little open can conceal it.

The coat are very sort, For solving this I have used the lower part of the minis from the Accurate-Revell-Imex minis; in this way I solve the problems with the boots too. (in some minis for keeping their original poses I have added only the tail of the coats, or, as with the flag bearers I had modeled that part.

y…es posible usar los Granaderos Rusos de Italeri del periodo NapoleĂłnico? Sus cabezas están muy bien esculpidas, con sus bigotes….pero es posible utilizar tambiĂ©n sus cuerpos?

Veo diferencias en los uniformes, pero sus poses son muy buenas y yo comienzo a estar un poco aburrido de usar solo los Accurate-Revell-Imex…

 Other problem it´s the equipment; 

when I have change the lower part I have recuperated the swords that the British don’t have and the hessians had.

But one unsolved problems are the haversacks; In all the illustrations, and minis I have seen all of them have haversacks, and the Russians Napoleonic Granadiers have back packs; It´s true that the rest of British troops used them in the AWI, perhaps the hessians too? And the model of backpacks used in the AWI is different…But I realized that to remove the backpacks and restore their backs was impossible for my capacities¡…so they keep them¡

I don´t konw if they really seem to be AWI hessians and transmit his spirit…

Los capotes están abrochados en la parte superior del frente, pero realmente sus brazos tapan esta parte en casi todas las poses. Pintando este lado como si estuvieran un poco abiertos puede camuflarlo.

Los capotes son muy cortos, para resolver esto he usado la parte inferior de las minis de Accurate-Revell-Imex. De esta manera soluciono el problema de las botas también.( en algunas minis para mantener la pose original yo sólo he añadido la cola de los capotes o la he modelado)

Otro problema es el equipamiento;

Cuando he cambiado la parte inferior, he recuperado las espadas que los británicos no tenían pero los hessiáns si.

Pero un problema sin resolver son las bolsas. En todas las ilustarciones y minis todos llevan bolsas en los lados, pero los granaderos napoleĂłnicos rusos llevan mochilas; las tropas británicas en la AWI las llevaban…quizás los hessians tambiĂ©n? NosĂ©, pero quitaralas y restaurar su espalda es imposible, …asĂ­ que las mantienen.

No sĂ© si ellos tarnsmiten el espĂ­ritu de los Hessians en la AWI…

Que pensáis?Otras posibilidades de conversión?
Muchas graciaspor vuestra atenciĂłn¡

What do you think? Other possibilities for conversions to granadiers?

Thank you very much for watching¡