
During the American Revolutionary War, many colonists remained loyal to the Crown. As we said in other post, nearly 20-30 %, adopted this position. British command didn’t use all the potential of this population, reluctant of their military capacities.
After the loyalist troops proved his value, and in some campaigns they formed the bulk of the Army. They were named Provincials by British, or Tories by American Rebels.
Loyalist units were placed in two commands, American or Canadian. The organization was as the British units, in Regiments, or some of them in Legions with infantry and cavalry.
Some of the loyalist units later become Regular British Regiment, as Volunteers of Ireland and the Royal Highland Emigrants. After the war many loyalist units went to Canada, where they were disbanded and settled there.

At first, Provincials worn even civilians clothes, later green uniforms, with White facings, and waistcoat and breeches on white too, and many round hats. From 1777 the uniform began to be replaced by other with red coats with a variety of facing colors as the British uniform, and with white lining.
Muchos ciudadanos de las colonias permanecieron leales a la corona inglesa. Como vimos en otra entrada, alrededor del 20-30 %,adoptaron esta posición. El mando inglés no usó todo el potencial de esta población desconfiado de sus capacidades militares.
Después, las unidades leales probaron su valor, y en algunas campañas ellos fueron el cuerpo principal del ejército. Fueron llamados provinciales por los británicos, o tories (conservadores) por los rebeldes.
Las unidades “leales” fueron adscritas en dos jefaturas, americana o canadiense. La organización fue como en las unidades británicas, en regimientos; o algunas de ellas en Legiones con infantería y caballería.
Canada, where they were disbanded and settled there.
Algunas de las unidades leales fueron más tarde convertidas en unidades regulares del ejército Británico.como los Voluntarios de Irlanda y los “Royal Highland Emigrants”.
Después de la guerra muchas unidades leales fueron a Canadá y allí disueltas, y los integrantes se asentaron allí.
loyalist Units;
King ´s
American regiment.
Actions; New York, Hudson and Connecticut, Carolinas and Georgia.
Uniform: At first green uniforms, with White facings, and waistcoat and breeches on white too. Later , red coats faced green, and later faced blue.
Actions; New York, Hudson and Connecticut, Carolinas y Georgia.

In 1/72: We can use the British infantry from Accurate-revell- Imex as for the regular British. I have added some poses from the American infantry from the same reference, for indicating the irregularity of the uniforms, and some round hats caught from the reference of IMEX (that I used for the American Rebels, just changing the heads that now I can use¡). I have used the green uniform period for adding color to the British Army. In this scheme, I don´t know the primary source, I have found his flag, and I don´t know if they are valid. I have used another generic loyalist flag. This happens to me for making them before getting the information¡
I have used a image form the book “An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Uniforms from 1775-83-The American revolution war” from Lorenz books; www.lorenzbooks.com
En 1/72: Podemos usar la infantería de Accurate-revell- Imex igual que para los regulares británicos. He añadido algunas poses de la referencia de la infantería americana, para indicar cierta irregularidad en los uniformes, y algunos sombreros redondos cogidos de la referencia de IMEX (que he usado para los Americanos rebeldes, justo intercambiando las cabezas que ahora puedo usar). He usado el uniforme verde del primer periodo para añadir color al ejército británico. En este esquema, no se cual es la fuente primaria, he encontrado su bandera, no sé si sería válida. He usado otra bandera lealista genérica. Esto me pasa por hacer las miniaturas antes de encontrar la información.
He usado una imagen del libro “An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Uniforms from 1775-83-The American revolution war” de books; www.lorenzbooks.com
I will add more units, I hope soon¡
Añadiré más unidades…espero que pronto¡